Beulah Brent,
Beulah Brent is undeniably one of the most passionate, hard-working, results driven individuals in the Chicagoland medical industry today. Being the thirteenth child in a family of sixteen children, caring and nurturing simply come naturally. She earned her B.A in Business Administration from Chicago State University. She began her career as a clerk in the department of Medical Record at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospitals and subsequently moved into many department admin and supervisory positions. As a result, she was also offered a management position in the department of Radiology/Mammography. She was later given the opportunity to work with Access Community Health Network. These particular positions actually fueled her passion for Breast Cancer and Community Health Awareness. She is an integral part in the organization of multiple healthcare benefits around the city. Her hard work and passion earned her a spot as a board member for S.W.I.O. (Sister’s Working It Out); a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing Breast Cancer Awareness to minority and underserved communities in the area.
She also currently serves and supports CAPS, a Faith Based Organization, for the 2nd and 6th district Chicago Police Department which provides health care information for the community. More recently, she has committed to serving on a committee for managing diabetes. Mrs. Brent relies strongly on her faith to conquer any obstacles that may arise and is committed to sharing the word of God with whomever she may encounter. In turn, she is also a board member for Nation Warriors Alliance Organization, whose motto is “Praying for the nation…for our Generation”. She is a long time member of Liberty Temple Full Gospel Church in Chicago, Illinois. Her times of peace and quiet are spent enjoying her favorite pastime, working in her flower garden. She currently resides in Matteson, Illinois with her husband, Michael, and their two children, Andre and Janay.