Nadine Willis,
Board Member
Nadine Willis is a board member of Sisters Working It Out (SWIO), an organization
dedicated to educating African-American, Latina, and other women living in
medically underserved communities, regarding their breast and general health
and access to care. SWIO is dedicated to driving down the disparities in mortality
rates of African-American women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Nadine is a 12-year More-Than-a-Conqueror-in-Christ-Jesus overcomer of Breast
cancer. She attributes her life to the Power of God and of Prayer, along with
aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment. She credits her late husband,
Clarence Willis, with the special prayer he prayed over her for “Maximum benefits
and Minimum side effects” from the treatment and medication. She also
attributes the support of her church, Liberty Temple Full Gospel Church, as being
critical to her healing.
As a certified SWIO Community Health Educator (CHEs), Nadine is trained to
educate women and their families regarding their breast and general health, so
they can have access to live-saving information and resources. SWIO and
Community Health Educators (CHEs) are spreading the word that early detection
is the best protection, and yearly mammograms are critical.
Nadine represents SWIO at various community events throughout the
Chicagoland Metropolitan Area, where she and others extend the SWIO message.
As a SWIO representative, Nadine has had the opportunity to share the SWIO
mission on CAN TV and various radio programs in Chicago. She encourages the
audience to know that a Breast cancer diagnosis does not have to be a death
sentence. Armed with the proper information, education, and support, women
and their families can and do recover and move on from a Breast cancer
As a professional Information Technology (IT) consultant and an ordained
minister, Nadine currently resides in Chicago, Illinois, with her son, Steven.